

Hi Mary.  Welcome to the group.  My name is Becky Hunt and I live in
Sedalia, Missouri.  I have been in the group for about 5 months.  There is a
lot of information you will get.  I am the Care Giver (CG) for my Mom.  She
has been diagnosed with PD for about 2 years.  We were going to Dr. Sher in
Columbia but he spent his time shaking his head and saying "I just don't
know".  Last week we sent to KUMC and I am so glad we did.  If Mom is not
better, she at least thinks she is.  I find her to be mentally clearer.  We
will be going to Parkinsdon's Disease (PD) Rehab Center in about two weeks
for an evaluation and home exercise training.  I am really impressed with
KU.  Drop a line any time you want.  There is a lady by the name of Mary
Rack in Kansas City that was the CG for her Mom.  She still gets on-line.
This is her E-Mail------------
 [log in to unmask]  This lady can probably answer a lot of
You will probably see a posting on how to close messages and how to remove
yourself from the list.  This may be good info to save.  Drop me a line.

Becky Hunt, CG Mom, 74/2, Sedalia, Missouri, USA
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Watkins <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 10:55 AM
Subject: New to mail group

>My name is Mary Watkins and I live in Columbia, Missouri.  I was diagnosed
>with Parkinsons Disease in December 1990.
>I participated in a test of Cabergolene.  This study ended last September.
>When this occurred, I was put on Mirapex along with the Sinemet.  This has
>worked fairly well, however I felt I had better results from the
>Cabergolene.  However, this drug was not approved by the FDA.
>I have applied for disability retirement from my job, which has not been
>approved as of this time.  I am presently on sick leave.  I had been
>as a secretary at the VA Hospital here in Columbia.  As many businesses are
>doing now, they have been down sizing and it had been getting more and more
>stressful all the time.  I simply got to the point where I could not handle
>the job any more.
>Since I have not been working, I have been feeling much better.  I did not
>realize how stressful it had been until I wasn't working any more.  I do
>very tired and need rest periods during the day.  This has helped mu much.
>I am planning to try to get some typing to do at home, since I have finally
>gotten a computer.  I feel this would be very good for me, as it would give
>me something to do, and I could get my rest in whenever I need to.
>I am looking forward to participating in this mail group and receiving the
>information that is generated.
>Mary Watkins   [log in to unmask]
>Columbia, Missouri