

>... that not all is exactly as it's presented to us here on the
Internet/Web when >it comes to a slick huckster or a salesperson pitching
for a multi-level marketing

Very well said, and a thoughtful response.  The price all NET users pay for
the access to unfiltered information and raw data is continued vigilance
and a good dose of skepticism.  Those from Missouri are especially blessed
when dealing with (dare I say it? - I dare, I dare!), the
multilevel-marketing, snake-oil-selling, hucksters who prey on people who
desperately want an answer.

>GAWD it's good to be back online!  I've missed, my List-family.. Being
>email for 3 1/2 days is mighty trying!

Barb, your problem is that you are trying to use a Microsoft product.  I
know of a store where you can get something much more reliable that doesn't
break down.  This store carries lots of tin cans and some very, very, very,
long string!
                                                                                Peace, John