

This is in reference to Peter Dawkins message responding to Barbara Mallut.

I, too, have played the piano for most of my life.  I am still able to play
most of the time.  However, when it gets close to time for my next dose of
medication, I sometimes have difficulty.

Peter, I was very happy to see your reference to music's therapeutic
effects.  Our daughter will graduate in May with a degree in Music Therapy.
She attends the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.  She will serve a 6
month internship (she doesn't know where as of this time).

This was a field that neither my husband nor I had heard of when she decided
to pursue this field.  She did a lot of research on the files and, thus,
chose UWEC, as she felt they had one of the best schools in the country in
Music Therapy.  Since going to college, she has learned to play the guitar,
piano, and harp.  I have seen a few articles regarding Music Therapy with
Parkinson's patients.  I believe this is a field that we will be hearing
more about.

Mary Watkins ([log in to unmask])