

Hi Llyn....

There's a simply wonderful "Patient's Bill of Rights," as well as a
"Caregiver's Bill of Rights" out 'n around somewhere out there.  I've seen 'em
and was very impressed by them.  I posted them here on the List about a year
ago so you may possibly find them in the List Archive (aka Parkinson's Archive
Treasures)  John Cottingham's Web site.

IF you're able to locate the two Bills of Rights please post 'em here as I'm
sure everyone'd value them.

The URL (address) of that site follows:

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Llyn Gruber
Sent:   Wednesday, January 28, 1998 2:44 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        FW: Ideas for 10 Commandments for Parkies & Caregivers

In talking with friends about all the problems facing Parkies and
Caregivers, we came up with the idea of copying from Moses! Moses handed
out 10 easy to read and understand commandments as written-in-stone
reminders to the people in his care.

I'm sure Parkies have things they'd like to remind family and friends
about. And, I'm equally sure Caregivers have things they'd like to remind
Parkies about! I also bet there are 10 commandments (or more) we'd like to
remind our Neuro's about!!!

Can this list group help me come up with ideas as to what the 10
commandments for either Parkies or Caregivers (or Neuro's) should contain?
If you do, I'll donate the time to desktop publish the results and be glad
to snail-mail an original or email the results to any who request it.

Llyn Gruber  [log in to unmask]

PS: Camilla Flintermann, I have tried to email you but I can't get there
from here! I've notified my internet service but have yet to hear back from
them that the problem is fixed. So, I'm posting to the Parkinson List and
hope you pick this up & use it for the Caregivers List if you want to.