

While at home and/or in the car, I listen to either talk-radio or music.  I've
done this my entire adult life without giving it a second thought...  At times
- if there's a commentator giving his/her opinion - I'll mentally respond with
my own viewpoint and thoughts on the issue.  While I let off steam this way, I
also may end up in knots from the stressful news.

With music, I frequently sing or hum right along when I hear a song I like (it
always drove my kids nuts if we were in the car and I'd up and start singing)
<giggle> Sometimes I'll even kick up my heels and execute a few dance
steps!  <smile>

With the advent of instantaneous world-wide news and "sensationalist"
reporting, we have events like the deaths of individuals of world-wide
prominence such Princess Diana and Mother Teresa, along with our breakfast and

That, plus the daily blitzkrieg  of extremely negative news coming out of Iraq
and other troubled nations, as well as the "Presidential Sexual Brouhaha,"
<BORRRRRRing>, I've found that not only are my EMOTIONS manipulated by the
media, but ALSO my PD symptoms are!

When there's a daily blitzkrieg of really bad news in the media, it's a
terrible downer!   I strongly feel that between the constant negative news
bombardment and the rest of "life's negatives," my PD symptoms are

I get the REVERSE... no... I get MORE than the reverse of these negative and
physical reactions whenever I listen to music.   Whatever music I listen to
gives me an positive, "UP" feeling, and with THAT, somehow the PD symptoms
aren't as distressing and mentally I feel more relaxed and at ease.

Excluding the possibility of a true national emergency, I wonder how it would
be to just NOT listen to the news on the radio or TV.  Would I somehow be a
lesser person because of this?  What if I just continued browsing the daily
newspaper (omitting the sports section!) <wee smirk> and cut out the
electronic media completely?  Would my body feel better without it's daily
blitzkrieg of negative, even frightening, world news?

How do YOU feel when you listen to or watch the daily electronic news?  And
how about when you're listening to music... maybe even conducting the
orchestra or singing along as you go about your daily business?

Your thoughts on this subject would be appreciated....

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

I wonder how I'd feel inside if I listened to even more music than I already
do?  Kinda get myself into the HABIT of SEEKING that which makes me feel good?
<humming along with Garth Brools as she types>

Have any of YOU noticed your PD symptoms become more noticeable when you're
listening to the news and what about how ya feel when you're listening to