

Hi Bruce,
I've worn orthotics (molded prescription inserts) in my shoes for the
past 8 years and I'm convinced it helps......but I do still get the
curling toes and have to stop walking sometimes......I think it's
very important to make certain you have enough room in the toe box
of your shoe so there is no chance your toes can be restricted
(lengthwise) as I have one pair of shoes I no longer wear due to
this problem. They feel fine initially but in the course of a long
walk I feel the restriction. (jambing)  When this problem first arose
I used to get a black nail on my big toe like I'd been stepped on.
The podiatrist told me this is a common occurrance with athletes that
run in poor fitting footwear.

> Has anyone tried Orthopedic shoes in an attempt to ease the pain from
> curling toes?  If  so, can you give any advice?  THANKS!!
Best regards.......Murray 53/4
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