

On Tue 27 Jan, Donna A. Bassolino wrote:
> Well my dad has his N appt yesterday - and as we figured he's switching him to
> Requip.
> N says - R is more flexible in dosage than Mirapex - so we should be able to find
> a dose thats right for him. I don't know why he refuses to accept than less
> than 3mg/day of Mirapex is OK - many of you do that. I should probably
> contact the pharm rep and get him more literature.
> ANyway - we're going doin on the M ... he was at 0.25mg - 6 pills a day -
> we're going to 4 this week and then 2 then a week without anything ...
> what can we expect ? will this be a nightmare ?
> Then the next week we start on Requip - following the sample kit (we didn't
> get no free offers either !!).
> Has anyone else been here - done this ? Any advice is welcomed.

Hello Donna, If those Dopamine agonists are doing any good at all (And I have
no reason to think that they are not working, Then a week without the agonist
is going to be very uncomfortable  - and unnecessary in my view.  We must
assume that the one-week clearout time is necessary if the neuro says it is,
but I it was being done to me, I would take the opportunity to evaluate the
effects of more levadopa. i.e. Start to gradually raise your levodopa dosage
until either dyskinesia sets in, or the shaking goes away. That way, you get
a good feel for how much the agonists are doing for you, in terms of milli-
grammes of Sinemet
  If done carefully, I see no risk, and the chances are that a more comfortable
week will follow.  I suggest you try it out on your neuro (If you like the

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>