

Why Shari m'dear... if ya don't mind spending $500 for a pair of them jeans
that fit perfectly (and who knows but that you might JUMP at the chance to
spend that amount on a pair of jeans?  Heck... maybe that's peanuts to you?)
<giggling> (YEAH SUUURE IT IS!), you can get 'em at the Beverly Hills Neiman

Of course,  the jeans themself are just plain old Levi's, but the studs on the
pockets aren't the usual brass.  They're 18 carat gold! <grin>

Enjoy those new N-M jeans of yours, y'hear? <ducking>


From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Shari & Larry Ward
Sent:   Wednesday, January 28, 1998 6:43 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: NEW GENE?

Hey Barb...
I'm waiting for someone to discover 'jeans' that fit nice but don't cut
a  slightly rotund, vertically challenged person, such as I, in half.
Do you think it will be a long wait?
Shari   0:-)
(Have you ever noticed anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and
anyone going faster than you is a maniac?  (George Carlin)