

Rus wrote:

>I'm not sure why the 1-1 set structure is implicated in whether it's
>remedial . . . strikes me there's no necessary connection.

WHat I'm afraid of is that students will be streamed into the writing
course if their writing is judged defective on some measure or other.
This seems to be something a default mode for many writing courses.  I'd
rather start with the premise that everyone needs to learn more about
writing all the time.

The other option would be to make the course purely voluntary, but then
you know how it goes--the ones who need it the most, the ones who bear
serious psychological damage from writing courses starting in elementary
school, avoid it like the plague.

How do you think we could set up the courses so that they don't get
characterized as remedial without making them a full-participation
requirement?  I'd like to be able to walk this line if I could figure
out how.

Meanwhile--thanks Janice for your point about having a mix of linked and
generic courses.  I think that this is important to keep in mind.

Final point:

Oh, well, I've forgotten what my final point was going to be.  I guess
I'll have to send another message when it comes to me.
