

Hi Patsy;
I took speech therapy in 1986-87 long before I knew I had
Parkinson's and certainly I had never heard of Lee Silverman.  I was
having trouble being heard and understood while lecturing classes in
"elevator" technologies.  I had to relearn some of the very basics of
public speaking.......speak from the diaphragm.. keep your head
up.....speak to the corners of the room...and so on.  With practice I
soon regained my normal voice and have had little trouble in that
regard in the ten years since.

The Lee Silverman voice treatment was developed around that same time
and was named after one of the first patients.  You can read more on
the Denver Center for the Performing Arts web site at:

>   Does anyone out there have any info about  the new speech therapy  being
> used for those with Parkinson's? It is called the Lee Silverman Voice
> Treatment therapy and it is suppose to have lasting helpful effects for up
> to  5 years after the initial therapy of 16 sessions in a one month period.
> Has anyone tried it and how successful is it  and how long did the benefits
> of the therapy remain? Any info would be helpful. thank you.
> Patsy Manning

Keep this list hummin'.......regards.......Murray
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