

Dear Fellow Members of the Parkinson Information Exchange,
Spoke with Ivan by phone tonight and several questions and concerns came up to
which we as yet have no answers.  Ivan is looking for a way of copying his
copy of the video.  He was able to obtain 2 high quality videos from friends
who watched, but is concerned that commercial vendors who could make copies of
the video for those of us who want one (and there appear to be quite a number)
would make the cost of it and the mailing prohibitive, which brings me to my
first question.   Does anyone have access to a means of making copies.  It
occurred to me that a cable facility or perhaps a vocational school that
taught this sort of thing might be the way to go.  What do you think?

Another question we had was whether or not the television station would have a
problem with our copying and disseminating such a tape.  Does anyone know the
usual protocol for securing permission here?

So many of us want to see the newest star in our midst but I'm afraid we will
have no way of doing so if we can't think of a way of helping Ivan secure
permission, make copies cheaply, and mail them.  It was quite an undertaking
just for Ivan to represent us, which we all know he did well (Those of you who
have heard his fine voice must know as I now do what a fine orator he is.  All
those years as a college professor show!  And his voice was spared from the
wrath of the disease, blessedly.)  I would volunteer and should since I'm
asking all the questions, but feel I have too much on my plate, working full
time, etc., etc.

But this group is composed of folks with tons of ideas and resources, so I
look to you for help for all of us in helping Ivan to continue his service to

Will be looking forward to hearing from you.  Perhaps a volunteer would be
willing to undertake some of this for Ivan.

Barb Brock