

> From:          [log in to unmask]

> Mr. Wyse:
> Last year I downloaded a number of data about EMF. Most of these were
> references to research and claims of benefits by Sandyk
> If you are interested in more information, I can provide you with a number
> of internet sources concerning the effects of EMF's in the Picotesla (Pt)
> range on patients with Parkinsons.

I am interested in any information that will provide specific
information  .

 The present communication
>   concerns five fully medicated Parkinsonian patients in whom application of
>   a series of treatments with electromagnetic fields (EMF) of extremely low
>   intensity (in the picotesla range) and frequency (5-8Hz) produced a
>   dramatic improvement in performance on Thurstone's World-Fluency Test, a
>   sensitive marker of frontal lobe functions.

" application of a series  of treatments"  leaves the following
questions unaswered .
What part of the body/head was treated ?
How long for?
Were other positions and durations tried ?
Did these other positions and durations produce no effect or reduced
effect ?

"dramatic improvement " leaves the following question unanswered
Was there any variation in the improvement ?

"( 5 - 8 Hz)"leaves the following questions unanswered
Were other frquencies tried and with what results ?
Was there a variation of best frequency for different people within
this range ?

   Null results are as important as positive results .

 Anyway thank you very much for your information and if you come
accross anymore ( the more specific the better ) please let me know.

 I shall certainly be trying out stimulating the brain with the 5-8
hz frequency  especialy as it coincides with the PD resting tremor
range , I believe.
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )