

(Reading John's message...) Uhhhh..... yes.  To all of whatever it is you
meant to ask <LOL>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of John Morey
Sent:   Friday, February 06, 1998 1:14 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: "Left-Handed" Web Site!

At 08:57 AM 2/6/98 UT, "THE BILL's" Barb wrote:
>For those of you who're interested in rounding out your education....
>a more complete person, and generally just because you SHOULD know more about
>us brilliant, talented, whimsical, and totally unique lefties,.....

Then why are lefties referred to as "sinister"?  Is it from the Latin
meaning "to write with whimsey but no talent"?  or the Latin meaning "the
barer of weird humor"?  or are those phrases from the Latin "Barb"?

 Peace, John