

They may have had pernicious anemia which is the failure of B-12 to be absorbed
in the gut.  This illness can cause neurological problems. And energy is so
subjective it is greatly affected by placebos especially the placebo affect of
an injection.  I remember how much better I would feel  immediately after
receiving an injection for a viral illness when Doctors made house calls.  The
antibiotics given were found to be of no benefit. It worked but so does voodoo
work on believers.


Delda White wrote:
> Charlie:  I have heard several times about older people getting B-12 shots
> and finding that the shots helped.  I remember reading someplace reputable
> that nutrition can be a problem, especially for older people, and that B-12
> shots can be useful for that reason.  I myself was feeling perpetually
> exhausted many years back and a friend who had been reading Adele Davis said,
> "You need Vitamin B complex."  I began taking it -- a good brand recommended
> by a pharmacist -- and that took care of the fatigue.  I also use a
> nutritional drink recipe described by Adele Davis, and believe it has helped
> a great deal.  Delda White ([log in to unmask])


Middleton, WI
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