

> From:          Joan Dykstra <[log in to unmask]>

 I thought you might be interested in a study going on at
> Madigan Army Medical Center at Tacoma, WA where they are using pulsing
> electromagetic fields to treat migraines.  They are using the PEMF (pulsing
> electromagnetic field) generators that they have used for years to enhance the
> rate of healing of non-union fractures.  The PEMF units produce pulsed high-
> frequency, high peak power electromagnetic energy at a frequency of 27.12 MHZ
> in 65 microsecond bursts occurring in 600 pulse per second sequences at 975
> peak watts.

Thanks Joan

 I cant place this information in my over picture of the mind at
present . But will store in my" unexplained" mental file to be
continually mulled over to see how it fits . A bit like solving a
jigsaw . Thanks
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )