

 last night i had very bad pains in my chest. i where one of those heart
patches. any how vivian made me put 4 of those things under my toung. be for
the pain let then my head stared to hurt both at same time. it was like a
kaletdoscopic. now i know diff between a hallucination and some else. i told
i earend the right to do what i want. if i when all they would of done is to
put one of those machiens on heck to doc out of toleto ohio just done that.
i am alive or would not be at my keayboard. fell so good i pained 10by12
wall. andd lived. just want to rip you off. large hosp bill a pwp should
just set on his --- and not do any thing got to keep your mind on something
else other pd. it is bad thing. but i am human it is just sickines. i just
had to get it off my mind vivian is at church. i am that chicken white stuff
the put on the ground.

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                           I.Y.Q. DON&VIVIAN LOVE OF MY LIFE-52

                          BEST MED FOR PD IS
                          BELEVE YOU ARE AS GOOD AS NEXT GUY