


        Last Fall, when I heard that my mother-in-law "Jane" had been
diagnosed with PD, I joined this list and lurked for months.  Then my email
accounts changed and I lost my subscription AND the info on re-subbing.

        At Christmas time, we all got together and I mentioned you-all and the
presence of a "wealth of info on PD, if you'd like to have it."  Well!  She
was enthusiastic, especially since all she's had heretofore was some
pamphlets and her doctor's advice.  Zero contact with others who have PD,
or are caregivers for those with PD.  I dug through all my email boxes and
*voila* found the subscription information.

        So THIS time, because she doesn't have a computer, I am subscribing
(officially?) on behalf of Jane my mother-in-law.  I'll get her vitals and
forward them as I can, but I know she's in her early 60's and has only been
diagnosed less than one year.  So far all I can see is shakiness in one
arm.  She has mentioned something about sleeplessness and I know she's
..well, ....none too happy.  But who would be?

        Anyway, I will be printing out the email I gather here and mailing it
to her in Florida on a weekly basis.  If you'd like to write anything of
encouragment or welcome or whathaveyou, by all means do it now and I'll put
it in the next package (due out on 2/6).  Other than the medico's, you dear
folk will be her primary source of info, controversy, PD-humor, anecdotes,
and whatever.  Have at it!  :-D



Drew Janssen <[log in to unmask]>
aka "Commlink" <[log in to unmask]>
Professional webmaster and writer
based in Baltimore, MD USA
[either email address works fine]