

Thank all of you who expressed your appreciation of my efforts.  I do it for

Congressman Porter really liked the hour glass, and expressed an interest in
having one.    He noted that it ran out at just about the five minute
allotted time.  I correct him saying 4 minutes and 56 seconds. I would have
given him the one I had but I was lucky the prototype made it who my
presentation.  I have already made Porter one which I will present to him
when next I'm in Washington.

What I do I do totally as a volunteer.  Some of my expenses are reimbursed.
The Pittsburgh chapter is very supportive of my efforts.  The NPF has  also
reimbursed  some of my travel expenses.  The balance comes out of my pocket.
I have never asked for any financial support but I will ask now for your
support in another way.  I testified as chairman of the Parkinson Alliance
Leadership Council.   I wish that everyone on this list would join me as a
member of the Parkinson Alliance.  Our goals are:

1)  Obtain full funding of the Udall Bill
2)   encourage coordination among national organizations
3)   encourage people with Parkinson's to make a difference

As I said in my testimony, the Alliance is not another Parkinson's
organization, but rather an overlay of people belonging to any national,
regional, local organizations  or no organization.  Its  simply people
directly effected by Parkinson's who wish to assure we have the absolute
best effort possible to find a cure for this sinister disease.  When
attempting to describe what the Alliance is, the best analogy I come up with
is we're trying to be  the  conscience of the Parkinson's community.  We
want to reinforced and encourage all the many things the various
organizations do well (and they all do  a lot of things well) and we want to
encourage them to do better those things they do not do so well (such as
working together when it benefits the Parkinson's community to work

Who are we to think we can be the conscience of somebody else?      It's not
so  presumptuous if you understand that by conscience I simply mean that
little figure  who sits on your shoulder and tells you "radical" thoughts

Take the high road.
Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.
If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything.
Give people the benefit of the doubt.
Do unto others what you would have done to you.
A little less "I"  and a little more "we".
Let bygones be bygones.
Put curing Parkinson's first.
Turn the other cheek.
Swallow your pride.

Why  will people/organizations listened to the Alliance?  I'd like to think
because what we're advocating simply is the right thing to do.  But, human
nature being what it is, we are much more likely to be listened to if we
have strength of numbers.  If you agree with me regarding what I've just

Jim Cordy
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