

Mark Klapper wrote:
> Clozaril cannot be dispensed without a weekly blood test to monitor
> possible adverse side effects.
> As of 2/1/98, Medicare will not cover any for an at-home health service
> to draw blood for labwork.  They will pay for a lab technician from a
> doctor's office or a recognized medical laboratory to come out and draw
> the blood.  Unfortunately, I have yet to find anyone who fits this
> description who will do this for less than 5 or 10 people at a time.
> I've called the Clozaril Registry at Novartis, but they were no help.
> A weekly trip to the doctor for a CBC is probably not feasible, and the
> out-of pocket (retail) cost for in-home health to do it would be $50-65
> per week.  Supplemental insurance follows Medicare guidelines, so that
> is not an option either.  Any suggestions on how to get these labs done?
> I also wonder whether this is an issue worth appealing/protesting to
> Medicare, as it makes things difficult for PWP and others with limited
> mobility who require regular labs.  What is the process for doing this?
> Mark Klapper

Write your congressman and senators--IF enough people do, things change.
You don't hae to had donated to him/her--They knkow that if you take
time to write-or have it written you will arrange to vote some how.