

Leo Fuhr wrote on 4th April

> I have to say REQUIP has improved my mood, my night rest but my concern
> is
> the EXTREME drowniness I experience right after lunch and after the 1pm
> dose of REQUIP to the point I just have to nap and set the alarm so I
> can
> take the SINEMETCR @2:oopm.  Luckily, I am not teaching this semester
> so I
> have made sure to be where I can nap, if needed.
> However, I am to start my prescription of REQUIP of 1.00mg 3 times a day
> starting tomorrow(2/5/98) with no reduction prescribed in SINEMET CR
> until
> I see neuro on 2/16/98.  Should I try to call my neuro......the nurse
> line
> takes a message and I can't talk to a real person, or is this just par
> for
> a neewby who is trying to get drug dosages in line with her own bodies'
> needs.
I have been on REQUIP for nearly five months, starting with the large
packet of 0.25mg tablets building up to 1mg  three times a day.  My only
other medicine is benzhexol (now 5mg twice a day).  For the past two
months I have trying  3mg tablets three times a day.  The increase from
the 1 mg dose to 3 mg has eased my rigidly and my Dr wanted to increase
further.  But like Leo I do find that the nausea  is worse and has to be
managed by taking tablets with or after some food.  But the most
embarrassing side effect is to be in a meeting at work with an
uncontrollable yawn.  Still never mind :--))
yet another minor side effect of the myriad of chemicals we put into our

Best wishes
Bob Hills (46/6)
Leeds, England