

Camilla-Mel has gone to several day care centers in the past and they seemed
to be alright with him on a leg bad connected to an external condom catheter.
They took the clients to the bathroom at 2 hr intervals and with Mel they just
emptied his bag if needed.
Got to be careful of day cares if one is on Home Health of course.  Medicare
will only allow day cares that are the outpatient Psychiatriatic centers. (due
to home health only justified if the client is home bound).   These are
limited to about 3 months but with the bus picking up and delivering him home
8 hrs later, a real resprite for me and the programs are so well constructed
that he loved it.  To be admitted, one needs to only be depressed or have
anxiety----fits for all of us, Parkies and CGers!!at times anyway. It was much
better than the NH which became a reality Nov 13th.  He and I are coping
fairly well as they learn his care and he knows what to ask for.
Mary CG for Mel 76/12