

  could not quit while a head. had vivian get me a $20.00 or more 4 in.
latex paint brush not a sash bruss as kid i was taught to use 4 in brush to
cut in window pains. wellllllllllllll i got more on the windows than boy i
forget wood that is cross window pains. boy i can"I rember. any how i got to
scrape glass tomorrow any takers? did i goof on my forward mail to ken
becker. my eudora nicknames must of gone bad so ken come out of your hole
and send lololo. is all you got to do don is send mail. guess so dumb old
man. but gee i am good looking. from my eys. not in a mirror. lolo  vivian
wants me to play crib with her she cheets. not fair.

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                         73/26 lima,ohio

                         I.Y.Q.DON&VIVIAN LOVE OF MY LIFE-52

                          BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                          TO BEAT IT