

Interesting question.

There seem to be different forms of this stupid disorder.  My former gp told
me he thought I had essential tremor or a reaction to other medications and
sent me to the neuro just to be sure.
I later learned he wrote to the neuro and stated that he believed I had PD
and needed it confirmed.  The neuro said that a tremor alone was not enough
to diagnose PD, but after testing my muscles he said I had the "cogwheeling"
of rigidity as well as tremor.

On the other hand I know a lady who swears she has PD and won't go to the
doctor.  Several close family members were diagnosed with PD and she is sure
she has it.  However, after watching her and talking with her I think she
has essential tremor, not PD.

Who really knows, before the autopsy??

don't  forget  how  to  laugh  (and do it often)
Marling McReynolds
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