

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   19  deg. F  calm

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998 22:24:04 EST Mary Ulmer <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Please include me in the order and as soon as we know about the check,
it will be in the mail.
>CG for Mel 76/12 and facilitator for our local CG Support gp.

Dear LIstmembers,

 For anyone who needs clarity about writing checks, I am excerpting from
Greg Leeman's post  of a few days ago.  The deadline for sending checks
is February 10th (next Tuesday).

Greg wrote the List:

"1)E-mail to Ivan Suzman - [log in to unmask]
with order quantiity and  return address and e-mail address."

"2) Make out check for $10.00 (each videotape) to  Ivan Suzman  9 Range
Portland, ME 04103 - You may want to make a notation that it is for "Ivan

Greg had  written that checks could also be sent to him.   However, on
second thought, having found that only 2 orders have been e-mailed to him
as of yesterday, and the rest (54 so far) to me, AND to streamline the
bookkeeping, it would simplify things if all further checks are mailed to

Jennie (Jay's daughter) spent most of the day setting up the bookkeeping
here on Range Street.  We expect that checks will be arriving in the mail
starting tomorrow.  The few checks that are on the way to Greg's address
on Walker Street won't pose a problem.  We'll just combine them with the
majority, that will be arriving here at 9 Range Street.

Greg Leeman added:

"Videos Remembered has told me 2 Days turnaround time, therefore, I would

expect to have all orders back within 10 days if your checks are

Greg called me this afternoon, while I was out at a dinner for high
school students at the Holiday Inn in Portland, just to get the latest
count (56), so that the Video company could start making tapes. We will
verify that the Video company is all ready to reproduce and bubble-pack
your videos tomorrow (Saturday), or if they are closed, on Monday.

By the way, Governor Angus S. King, Jr. was at the dinner tonight.  I
gave him a card while he and his bodyguard were in the lobby, and inside,
I included the letter to the President about FUNDING the UDALL BILL, that
I wrote and posted to the LIst earlier this week.  He told me that he
would do whatever we need to help us.

Please write me or post to the List with any questions or comments.  I
feel honored that all of you are putting your trust in me. Things are
progressing smoothly, and I hope our videos will be in our hands by about
February 20th.

Very sincerely,

Ivan Suzman