

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   34  deg. F
Hi again,

We received just 2 more checks today--bringing the total to 22 that
arrived in the mail.
The following Listmembers' videotapes are already IN THE MAIL(See Below).

The next batch will probably go out on Saturday.

We Maine folks are having an ice-bound February, so this video project
has been really good for morale around here.

Please write to confirm the successful arrival of the tape at your

Take care and THANKS!

IVAN, Jay and Greg

Tapes are on the way to:

Bruce Anderson, Mary Helen Davilla, Camilla Flintermann, Leo Fuhr,
Claudia Goldberg, Seymour Gross, Henry Guttantag, Julian Hansen, Linda
Herman,Debbie Hurlbert, Emily Jackson, Will Kuipers,Barbara Blake-Krebs,
Edie Luther, Lisa Millen, Tony Miller, Barb Mallut, Helen Mason,
Margaret Mates, Gaylord Rough, Bonnie Rowley, Perry Sennewald