

One of the things that I've been looking for since I now have to take meds
all through the day, whether I am home or not, is a collapsible cup to
carry in my purse or pocket.  I had just about given up after calling
pharamacies and L.L. Bean but have found two such cups are available from
the Boy Scouts of America Catalog.  The toll free number is 1-800-323-0732,

Blue cub scout cup for hot or cold  V01878 ....$1.35 or

Orange boy scout cup for hot or cold V01037...$1.35

There is a shipping charge of $4.00 for orders up to $14.99 so you may want
to order several for anyone who has to take alot of meds and like me can't
always get enough water from a drinking fountain to get the pill down.

If you have a Boy Scout Council office in your city, you may want to call
or visit there to see if they have the collapsible cup in stock.  This
could save you shipping costs.

I am not a Boy Scout.  My husband was an active adult leader in the past
but we will not gain any profit from the sale/purchase of these cups or
other Boy Scout merchandise.
