

At 04:08 PM 2/12/98 +0000, Marling McReynolds wrote:
>I was interested to learn that I am not the only one who passes up
>things which do not seem to apply right now or which I am afraid will
>apply later.  One such is the current thread about wheelchairs.  I am
>NOT saying stop.  Keep talking about it, I just read a few words and
>skip them.  The same applies to surgery at this point for me.  I am
>so frightened of the idea of surgery right now, yet I know that when
>I get to the place where I have more off time than on time, I will
>seriously consider it.  I am glad there are so many others here at
>all stages of this "condition" to let me know that there is life at
>each stage, and I will make it through all of it.
>don't forget how to laugh (and do it often)
>Marling McReynolds
>[log in to unmask]
  marling just last night vivian i was talking about my pd first 73/26 she
remined how the first few years how she had to dress me feed bath me i
denight  i was sick. i even whent to couch doc. wheelchairs i did not want
to here about. so on we all go though it. i spent 51/2 months in the hospp.
for surgery. your eyes will give you ttrouble along about 15yrs. i don't
want to scare you just some of the things to come. i bowl golf paint invent
things.cut my own grass feed birds. you can do any thing you want to it just
take longer to do it. so don't worry. read every thing wheelchaires surgery
all cause when if happens you can be prepairs for it. not useing my speller
now. any time you need help email me as the say i seen it done it. 26yrss is
long time to fight pd. all i know is i will beat it(pd). I.Y.Q. DON&VIVIAN