

  so good for us. she sees a nero mon for it. so it can't be to bad takes
pills no blood now tues she starts 8 weeks of stress test for her heart.
they want to give her a stronger heart i am not sure what it is all about.
and she did say she was alwas giveing about
 blue balaze for giveing $100.00 200.00 worth  a work a way. hot spice i
think that is what you call it it some body that comes in cleans or cook for
you. isaid i could not aford it. as i said what i did is now comeing back.
people next door brought in a big pot of soup. and a young ladie next door
who is going to to nuresing school came in. to help out. i fell about 6
times so far. i wear leather knew pats no helment. well last time i had to
take a shower. pants and me like baby. the nures want to bath me boy i said
no no she said don i studing to be nurse. i said i am 73 can do it my self.
just through close in bucket. girls will do the rest. anxyety can cause you
to fall which years ago we fount that out. so it pays to help people. so for
8 weeks we will get free care. and i bet lot of food. just wanted the list
know vivian is. what a great world we live. what you sow ye shall reap.

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                          73/26 lima,oh

                          I.Y.Q. DON&VIVIAN LOVE OF MY LIVE-52

                           BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                           LOVE OF PEOPLE