


I was/am so shaken with these posts from what I percieve to be a cruel and
heartless creature, I asked my husband to do an e-mail search. Unfortunately
he was unable to find a name, but these kind know very well how to conceal
themselves. If only they HAD to walk a mile in our shoes...

[log in to unmask]

At 11:24 am 15/02/98 -0500, Ivan M Suzman wrote:
>Judith, I agree with you!!!
>My computer is able to show only that the
>e-mail address is:  "[log in to unmask]"
>I assume you are in my lovely Maine,whoever you are,
>and I am very ANGRY at your concealment.
>Please IDENTIFY YOURSELF. Our time is too
>precious for book-length rambling posts.
>.Will somebody PLEASE call Barbara Patterson about this situation.??