

Dear Ken,

Thank you for your suggestions... I spent 2 hours on the phone with my
brother-in-law last night discussing some sort of variation of the idea of
nursing assistance.  My sister seems (daily) more and more depressed by the
whole picture, so I feel like I need to make some sort of move toward more
help.  Right now, I'm getting lots of "passive aggressive anger" whenever I go
over to help her with Mom-- that on top of my kids/husband thinking I'm never
HERE; ugh: guilt BOTH ways is not fun next to the tragic picture of my mom's
battle. Ah well. I'll keep trying to find good action that avoids climbing
into that futile boat.
Your words confirm and expand the thinking in that direction... thanks!

BTW, I so greatly enjoy "Ken and Don" humorous exchanges-- many days, you guys
keep me going with the light of laughter or the tears of tenderness.  You seem
like a great human being (and he, a real "sweetie", salt n' all! :D)

Again, my appreciation for your thoughts.  Have a good day.  (We are in the
MIDST of the ice storm; aaaaagh! -- coastal NC is getting its due!)  Hope to
keep hearing from you, Ken.

Warm regards,
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