

Dear Listfriends / Cyberfamily-

I remember Alan Bonander giving an eloquent presentation on the need to keep
carbidopa intake below 200mg per day, but I don't recall the side effects of
too much carbidopa, nor what the minimum level is for maximizing the
levodopa's effectiveness.  I could probably undertake an archive search, but
am hopeful that list members can provide a faster and more succinct

My dad is currently taking 1 and 1/2 Sinemet 25/100's every 3 and 1/2 hours
from 7 am to 9 pm (total, 7 and 1/2 pills or 187.5 mg carbidopa) PLUS a CR
at midnite and 7am (I'm not sure of the strength - it's a pink
football-shaped pill) (U.S. football, that is!).  If he replaces the 25/100s
with 10/100s, that'd put his daily carbidopa at 75 + the CRs - probably in
the right range??

My folks are in Erie, PA.  Although Dad had a couple of visits with Dr.
Burns at the Cleveland Clinic, he hasn't been able to make that 90 mile trip
(with accompanying overnight stay) in some time, and I haven't been able to
convince my mother that Dr. Burns could make med adjustment recommendations
over the phone....  However, when Dad experienced freezing episodes a few
months ago, the G.P. did approve changing his schedule from every 4 hours to
every 3 and 1/2 on MY recommendation (based on all of yours).  [I'm kicking
myself that I didn't remember the carbidopa issue at that point, but it hit
me like a brick this morning].

Dad had breathing problems last month & was hospitalized for a few weeks.
They found a large tumor growing in his chest (outside of the right lung,
but impeding on it).  Its location makes it inoperable (it involves the
blood vessels between heart and lung), so Dad is now home with Mom and with
the help of in-home hospice services.  He's been increasingly confused and
hallucinating (not scary ones, fortunately, more like waking dreams of being
someplace else).  If adjusting his PD meds can make his final days a bit
more clear-headed, I'd really like to try...

Anyway, my basic nuts-n-bolts questions are:

1. What's the minimum daily carbidopa level for the levodopa to be maximally
2. What are the side-effects of too much carbidopa?
3. At what level do the side-effects typically start to appear?

With your help I should have the necessary ammunition to get his
prescription changed - and educate at least one doctor and one pharmacy's
worth of pharmacists at the same time!

I'm four days behind in digest-reading, having spent the long weekend at my
folks'. (It's a 400+ mile drive from the Philadelphia area).  I'd appreciate
it if you could direct answers to me directly (as well as to the list if you
deem appropriate).  My address is:

[log in to unmask]

Thanks so much for your input!

(BTW, Dad LOVED Ivan's bar-room/day after joke....)

Linda Corson
Dad Bill 80/6