

Dear Liz,

We have many osteopaths here in Michigan, probably because there is a School
of Osteopathic Medicine at MI State U.  They practice in all of the hospitals
along side MDs in this state and many people don't even know  if they  have an
osteopath or an MD as a physician. Many are specialists and have undertaken
residencies in various areas. I don't know if they can be board certified or
not. There are osteopaths that are neurologists, general surgeons,
cardiologists, pediatricians and so forth.   Many MDs and DOs practice
together in groups in our state.  I took a layman's course on PD at one of
their hospitals.  The course was excellent and both DOs and MDs spoke to us.
As far as I know, there are no MDs practicing at Botsford, where I took the
course, tho I might be wrong.  I, personally, am still locked into the notion
that I must have an MD, but my daughter prefers a DO, finding DOs to be, in
her opinion, more amenable to holistic, hands on approaches. For example, many
practice spinal manipulation and massage.  In our state, DOs write as many
prescriptions as MDs.  There is definitely a difference in their training, but
I could not begin to tell you exactly what, except of course that they get it
in schools of Osteopathic Medicine as opposed to schools of Medicine.  Just
found this address.  Perhaps it will help you to learn more about osteopaths
and their practice of medicine.

Best wishes.  Hope this helps.

Barb Brock 53  cg Art 56 1 year
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