


I also got the chain-mail letter. Don Bern says he has been on the list for 5
years.  Does anyone recall seeing his postings?  The following is my reply to
Don, which pretty much sums up my feelings about such "fund raising" plan.

<<  Sorry, I can't participate.  This scheme, in my opinion, is a blatant
pyramid plan.  I'm sure you know that pyramids are illegal.  Even though you
say that enclosing a note saying, "put me on your mailing list", makes it
legal, you must see that you are going against the intent of the law.

I would consider it unethical to participate, much less ask six of my friends
to get involved.  I think you should rethink your participation in this

If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Mary, 59
 DX 2 yrs,