

Announcing the Cure for Parkinson’s Disease
Looking for doctors to try a new treatment and send observations
(Pardon the length of this document.  You cannot describe a useful brain
theory in a sound bite.)
Why approach Parkinson’s Disease first? (Part 7)
This comes in 7 parts.  Do not apply any of this information without reading
all 7 parts.  Each part will have words at the end saying "continued in
 Parkinson’s Disease Cure’ Part [#]" for those whose servers might truncate
these documents.

Table of Contents
...........................Part 1
Some of my theory helpful to understanding this
treatment....................Part 2
Some of my theory helpful to understanding this treatment
(cont.).........Part 3
....................Part 4
The Treatment
.......Part 5
Why announce it this way on the
Internet?.............................................Part 6
Why approach Parkinson’s disease
first?................................................Part 7

Why approach Parkinson’s Disease first?
Parkinson’s is unique in that the medical establishment has concluded a need
for more dopamine in these patients and has luckily gotten it (partly) right
in spite of the flaw in using medication treatments with a therapeutic range
as an indicator of the brain’s need for the substances produced by the
Why start with Parkinson’s?
This treatment has been successful five times.
The people I’ve treated have been given a variety of diagnoses over the
years and all other co-morbid problems have responded just as well to the
I don’t want to go into this too much at the time for legal reasons.  I am
not a doctor and it took over a year to accumulate these results.  This
treatment appears to have "cured" a mood disorder, a psychotic disorder, a
developmental disorder, and one person with Parkinson’s disease symptoms
(not at a very advanced stage).  No such thing has ever happened before.
Every "cure" resulted in almost complete elimination of symptoms for at
least several months (while taking no medications).
One person has had relapse of some symptoms after several months and the
treatment has been successful when repeated.  (Subsequent treatments result
in milder withdrawal symptoms and longer periods without relapse.  So far no
person has experienced the return of all symptoms that were evident before
the first treatment.)
I had to do this carefully and did not have the luxury of many controls that
I would have preferred to be in place.  But the treatment has not failed.
I need confirmation of this treatment.  If I’m right, this is not a matter
of what I need but of what these people need.
Parkinson’s is the best disease to approach first with this treatment.
Parkinson’s disease is one of the few problems for which the medical
community has gotten quite close to discovering the cure by using their own
medical maintenance approach.
By my trying to understand Parkinson’s disease and the various responses to
current treatment, I was given a lot of useful information when trying to
pull together various aspects of my theory.  (Remember that my theory is
enormous and in this writing I’m only giving out some parts of my theory
that I believe are needed to be expressed in order to get doctors to give
this treatment a try.)
The patients with PD are extremely aware of the various quirks of their
treatment.  They know what it is like to have one part of their functioning
improve while another part of their functioning freezes and another part of
their functioning goes into tremor.  (Tremor, stuttering, etc. are caused by
some part of the brain either becoming more inhibited and "flickering"
caused by declining function, or by part of the brain waking up and going
through a period of agitation while it is still too inhibited to fire
cleanly as it goes through withdrawal, or caused by both inhibition or
withdrawal at the same time.  The brain is a very big place with many
connections and at one time there are always some parts becoming inhibited
and other parts going through withdrawal.  What an entire organism
experiences or an entire system within the organism experiences is a trend
in the kind of neurological activity that produces our overall sensations
and reactions.)
The PD patients with their extensive experience attuning themselves to their
symptoms as these symptoms go through many cycles, and because of their
relatively intact intellectual ability, may have a better ability to see the
possible value of my theories.
I wish you all health.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
[END of Part 7]  Further installments may be sent when needed.