

On Fri 13 Feb, Stephan Schwartz wrote:
Stefan: I find myself in agreement with just about everything that you
wrote in your message on 13th Feb. As Dame Edna might say- It's kinda
spooky, isn't it? I do have onequestion : However did Dr Stern manage
to measure the degree of neuroprotection which resulted from varying the
dosage of selegiline ?

As you will be aware from my previous posts, I am not a fan of Selegiline
However, I do take Vitamin E to provide the same effect: I may be stupid,
but I'm not crazy!!

Actually, I am not completely sold on the free radical story. It may be
a part of the story, but the current talk in the research field seems
to be inclining towards the notion of a number (maybe 20 or so) of
effects which can all contribute towards increasing the stress on the
Dopaminergic cells in the Substantia Nigra. At a certain level of
stress, the cell quietly gives up and dies (Apoptosis). the 20 causes
are probably determined genetically ( I don't mean that they are
inherited; merely that they are a series of locations in the DNA at
which some stress-raising effect may occur, just due to the way that the
dice happened to fall for any particular person. . If you have enough
strikes against you: you will one day develop PD symptoms.

Have you heard this line?

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>