

Announcing the Cure for Parkinson’s Disease
Looking for doctors to try a new treatment and send observations
(Pardon the length of this document.  You cannot describe a useful brain
theory in a sound bite.)
Introduction (Part 1)
This comes in 7 parts.  Do not apply any of this information without reading
all 7 parts.  Each part will have words at the end saying "continued in
Parkinson’s Disease Cure’ Part [#]" for those whose servers might truncate
these documents.

Table of Contents
...........................Part 1
Some of my theory helpful to understanding this
treatment....................Part 2
Some of my theory helpful to understanding this treatment
(cont.).........Part 3
....................Part 4
The Treatment
.......Part 5
Why announce it this way on the
Internet?.............................................Part 6
Why approach Parkinson’s disease
first?................................................Part 7

I’ve discovered a new medication treatment that has now been performed with
successful results five times on different people.  I believe I have
discovered the cure for Parkinson’s Disorder.
At this point the results can only be considered anecdotal, but the method I
used to discover this treatment has me convinced that there could be no
other way of solving this problem.    No other treatment has come close to
getting the results I’ve seen so far.
The treatment only lasts for two or three weeks.  At the end of this period
the supposedly permanent neurological deficits have been enormously reduced
or eliminated completely and this improvement has so far continued for
several months while taking no maintenance medication.
At this time I’ll be unable to give most of the steps of logic that have
predicted the patient responses to this treatment.  This theory is
enormously complicated.  It observes a consistent pattern in the rhythm of
neuronal firings that relates mathematically to patterns in behavior.
Is the time right for the first Unified Theory of the Nervous System and
Behavior?  A theory that can explain the observations of psychologists,
behaviorists, psychiatrists, biologists... and bring them together?
I believe I now have such a theory.  Through noticing a previously unnoticed
pattern of behavior in nerve cell firings that matches a consistent pattern
in animal and human behavior, I believe I have discovered what is the
"machine language" of the brain.  It’s a type of complicated binary system
that is coordinated throughout the body.
I have spent the last year looking for data and observations that either
support the theory or would show it to be flawed.  Several times, while
studying various approaches and theories of human psychology or biology, I
was dismayed to find an argument that convincingly contradicted my theory.
But I kept examining these road blocks and in each case it turned out that
the basic clinical data supported my theory but the data had been
misinterpreted (or interpreted in another seemingly valid way).  A few small
glitches in the theory have been corrected during this time.
I am now ready to share these ideas.
What I will show is that there have been many misinterpretations because the
house of cards of current medical understanding is supported by assumptions
of the accuracy of basic theories that turn out to be wrong.
My theory could lead to enormous changes in current understanding and
treatment, so it may encounter resistance relative to the amount of change
Medicine finally has enough data to figure out the cure to various forms of
mental illness.   (It has only been possible for anyone to discover this
theory in the past five years or so because various data links in the logic
required to pull this information together are only now available due to
recent technological advances and observations.)
But, in a way, medicine is getting further from a cure rather than closer
because of something I discovered with my theory:  scientific method is
flawed.  Scientific method could never lead to discovering my theory.  It is
not possible.  The theory has to somehow come first and then scientific
method will be very useful in proving the validity of the theory.
I can’t give you much of my theory in this document but I can quickly
explain the flaw in scientific method:
Most of the same behaviors and disabilities occurring in the many mental
disorders can be observed over the course of time in drug and alcohol
abusers.  Depending on the dosages and the amount of time taking drugs or
drinking, this person will experience problems with attention and focus,
learning disabilities, paranoia, compulsive/obsessive behavior, delusions,
sleep disorders, tremor, mood swings, loss of social understanding, loss of
inhibition, memory problems... every type of problem that can also be the
result of some particular psychological or neurological disorder.
To recover from the long-term substance problem the person has to go through
a period of withdrawal.  During withdrawal the symptoms of the problem
become much worse and other new symptoms appear making it a very painful
experience in many ways.
Some substance abusers seem to acquire permanent damage.  After many years
doing drugs or alcohol they clean up their act and go through withdrawal but
continue to have many problems of functioning.  (They "learn" to have a
particular deficit because the process behind learning is also the process
behind the effect these drugs have on a person and it is the process that
requires withdrawal for recovery.)
Perhaps they have lost their ability to have enough withdrawal.
Let’s pretend a new cluster of symptoms is being witnessed in a group of
people.  They are distant, sometimes delusional, unfocused and sick.  They
miss social cues, they can’t sleep very well, they have tremors, are
depressive and can be violent.  Scientists and doctors spring into action
and within 24 hours have done a complete study and have found a drug
treatment that relieves all or most of the bad symptoms but has side
effects.  Stopping the treatment results in an even greater problem with the
symptoms for some time so they are encouraged to keep taking the medication.
Because of the success of this medication the disorder is labeled a
biological disorder and one doctor gets to have his name put on this "new
disorder"  and a researcher who came up with the right medication gets
published and nominated for some awards.  The medication results infer that
various functions of the brain that have improved are in need of more of the
various chemicals produced or triggered by the medication.  Similar
observations of other similar disorders makes this deduction become medical
doctrine as the doctors now have no doubt that more of these chemicals are
needed by the body to regulate these functions.  (The medication results are
creating the basic science theories...  this leads to the medical community
calling this a "biological disorder.")
If the people with this new "disorder" were really experiencing heroin
withdrawal (and it was somehow possible they didn’t know it), the drug that
would be the most beneficial in relieving their terrible symptoms (albeit
with numerous side-effects) would be heroin.  The brain changes created by
heroin would be tagged as important in regulating certain functions and its
discovery as a great treatment to relieve the pain of people with the new
disorder could lead to its being called a wonder drug.
Of course we know that heroin does not help functioning.  It damages a
person.  A state of health is not the state while on heroin, but the fastest
way to improve the quality of life of somebody suffering heroin withdrawal
is to give that person heroin.
What if all improvement in mental functioning requires going through a
period of withdrawal but something is stopping the withdrawal from occurring
or is inhibiting the process that creates withdrawal?
What if all drugs giving quick relief in the nervous system and/or requiring
continued medication are really like giving heroin to treat heroin
How could doctors logically deduce that a brain is suffering a need for more
of a certain chemical if the medication providing an increase in that
chemical has a "therapeutic range?"  If the brain needs more it would show
improvement with any increase in the chemical up to a certain point.
(Heroin has a "therapeutic range.")
What if the process that creates withdrawal is the same process creating
placebo effect?  (It is.)  Both withdrawal and placebo effect create
improvement of health.
What if withdrawal and placebo effect are also a result of the same process
that is behind the restorative power of sleep?  (True.)
If the discovery of a cure requires facilitating a greater amount of a
missing or insufficient withdrawal,  and we don’t know this yet, then
scientific method will continue to lead us down many wrong paths of
understanding as we try out medications to find those that show improvement
for these conditions.
Taking my theory out to its logical end I have discovered a new medical
I have figured out how to amplify the placebo/withdrawal effect using an
available class of drugs.  These drugs can be quite safe and this treatment
uses much smaller dosages than have been used until now.  (The entire
treatment uses medication costing a total of less than twenty dollars.)
To pull this together I had to identify a mathematically understandable
pattern in behavior that can be seen in micro terms at the cellular level.
It involves new philosophy in various realms.  I had to create a different
perspective on all forms of mental illness and look for the consistencies
and commonality in these problems in order to see how they are related
instead of following the current trend of just looking for the differences
in these problems.  I had to explain sleep on the cellular level.  I had to
rewrite the DSM-IV in my head.  I had to make projections about various
behaviors and look for studies that would show the trends I was expecting.
This has looked too good to be true so I was afraid of sharing this
discovery until I’d spent a year trying to disprove my ideas.  Sometimes I’d
be dismayed to find roadblocks with medical observations that contradicted
my theory but in each case I’d find that the basic observations in the
studies and experiments were supportive of my theory and had been
interpreted in the wrong way.  This makes this work very difficult because a
very large number of interpretations are presented as if they are facts.
(Change is difficult.)
It is not possible to follow the current method of testing medications on
people and using those that offer improvement and then come up with a cure.
Such a thing is not possible.  You can’t cure anything using maintenance
medication or a medication that has a therapeutic range.  You can’t find a
cure with any medication treatment that creates a noticeable change in
perception in a short time or creates improvement in symptoms as the first
result of taking the medication.  You can’t find a cure to any neurological
problem by trying out massive amounts of a substance on rats and looking for
positive change (or absence of horrendous side-effects).
It is not possible to cure anything having to do with the nervous system
(just about all disorders) with medication unless that medication magnifies
or enhances the process that creates withdrawal (the body’s own natural
healing process).  To get better you have to find a treatment that
(temporarily) makes all of your symptoms get worse and a treatment that may
even create other symptoms that had never before existed.
To discover the right treatment you need to know that the process that
creates withdrawal is the same process that occurs during sleep to give
sleep its restorative value.   This treatment requires the understanding
that sleep occurs any time a cell is not firing.  This treatment needs to be
applied to enhance the withdrawal process which is to enhance the value of
sleep and make this possible any time there are brain cells sleeping for any
length of time (medication 24 hours a day).
This is the same process behind placebo effect.  (An important clue in
helping you to understand the implications behind this discovery.)
[CONTINUED in ‘ Parkinson’s Disease Cure’ Part 2]