


Interesting questions.

 I had elbow surgery a little more than a year ago.  Although I
had no trouble with the general anaestetic during my knee surgeries,
this time they had a very difficult time getting me to breath again on
my own.  It felt terrible.  I thought I was dying.

 I have wondered before about the incidence of trauma and surgery
among pwp.  There seem to be a great many of us who have had (not
within 2 years but perhaps within 10 years of significant symptoms)
trauma and /or surgery.  I had my first knee surgery in about 1983
and the second in 1986.  I was not diagnosed until 1995, but now
believe that minor symptoms began to appear  in 1989.

Good luck with your survey.

don't forget how to laugh (and do it often)
Marling McReynolds
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