

Hi listfriends,

6 More days to go before Faye and I get married. In stead of my brother or
my son, am I myself the groom. I am not that stressed yet, but I can assure
you that the tension is there. I am much more and longer "off" and stiff
than before. Taking more Sinemet will get rid of my "off" periods and more
Permax will take care of my stiffness, but the disadvantage is the
dyskenesia. Taking more medication makes me a victim of dyskenesia. I
prefer to be "off" above the very tiring dyskenesia. Of course the best
thing that can happen is the cure, but I'm afraid it will not be found
before Saturday.

Warm greetings,

Kees Paap

48/8 yrs/kick in sinemet 62.5mg/sinemet Cr 5x125mg/permax 4x1.0 mg