


you are daydreaming:) of course we all want that as soon as possible
(ASAP), but we must work on that. And that's where my dream is about. About
work TOGETHER, all over the world. Your reaction makes me sad and I have
received another reaction, in which the sender wrote that the support
groups in his country, not even are capable of working together. Can we
people with a same goal, a same interest, not work together? Can't we
forget our own interests and all work together, not just the countries on
its own, but international. A woldwide organization has more possibilities.

Are you telling me to wake up? Are you telling me that this is just a
dream? I hope not, but I'm afraid to hear your answer.

Yes Ken, I wrote that poem. Thank you for the credits, I accept them and
give the royalties to a research team, working on finding the cure.

Warm greetings,

Kees Paap

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