

On Mon 16 Feb, kees paap wrote:
> Hi listfriends,
> 6 More days to go before Faye and I get married. In stead of my brother or
> my son, am I myself the groom. I am not that stressed yet, but I can assure
> you that the tension is there. I am much more and longer "off" and stiff
> than before. Taking more Sinemet will get rid of my "off" periods and more
> Permax will take care of my stiffness, but the disadvantage is the
> dyskenesia. Taking more medication makes me a victim of dyskenesia. I
> prefer to be "off" above the very tiring dyskenesia. Of course the best
> thing that can happen is the cure, but I'm afraid it will not be found
> before Saturday.
> Warm greetings,
> Kees Paap
> 48/8 yrs/kick in sinemet 62.5mg/sinemet Cr 5x125mg/permax 4x1.0 mg
Hello Kees, First,  my best wishes to you and your bride.  I understand your
concern about the way that the stress of the event may cause you to spoil
the event, and you  I thought you might like to consider something I
discovered some time ago:
  I have attended the AGM of the Parkinson's Disease Society for several years,
and had begun to notice that I always had trouble with my meds, even though
I was taking doses which work fine at home. I finally realised that I was
always overdosed during those times and the reason was that I was high on
Adrenalin! Now it may sound a bit crazy comparing an AGM to a wedding, but
if, like me, you enjoy meeting people, maybe its not so differrent in terms
of stress at a basic level.
  So at the most recent AGM, instead of taking my usual over-lapping doses
which give me a steady On condition at home, I switched to an 'As Required'
philosophy. i.e. I only took a tablet when I could just detect that the
previous tablet was wearing off. Normally, that would mean that I was going
to be off for about half an hour before the next tablet caught up, but
this time, nothing happened! Throughout the 2 days of the meeting I was
perfectly controlled AND when I counted up at the end of the day, I had
only used HALF my normal amount of Madopar. (My normal dose is 1.5 tablets
of Madopar 62.5 evey two hours.)

Over the next day, the effect slowly wore off, and I did not appear to have
suffered any long-term damage. I have used the trick several times since
then, like when I am giving a talk on PD to a room full of strangers: I
deliberately underdose myself at my last tablet point before the event,
forget the clock, and wait until my body tells me its time for another tab.
- And always, that adrenalin surge carries me through the stress (which of
course is significantly reduced because my arms and body are not flailing
around due to dyskinesia.)

I know this might sound a bit crazy, but all I can say is it works for me.
I also know how tempting that little voice is which says 'Perhaps one extra
tablet, just in case ....'  - It is definitely the wrong way to go.

Whatever happens, I'm sure you won't allow it to spoil your big day, so
good luck again

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>