

Hi Don,

I'm so happy to hear you sounding like your old-young self.

At 10:41 am 16/02/98 you wrote:
>  mom wanted to play crib very early this morn. I FINLY CAUGHT ON ONE OF THE
>REASON  she wants to play crib so much. she can tell how good i play.

I told you Vivian knows what she is doing, and will do what's best for you.
You're a lucky fellow, but then you know that, don't you?

>little mother hen is coming over while she is at hosp.she is nothing but a
>smart alcek. lolo but she knows what she is doing.

Just let little mother hen look after you, too. It's difficult to let others
help sometimes, but there comes a time when we have to admit we need help.
As we finally admit, we must also learn to ask (big step for me) and accept.
It's not easy when we have always been so independent.

> after 52yrs you learn when to shut up.

There's hope for me yet. :)

> if i didn't love her so much i would trade her for 2 25's

But you do love her, and besides, what would you do with 2, 25 year olds?
Wait, don't answer that!!

>i would not go out to eat after people would say look at that women bringing a
>drunk in.

People can be so insensitive. A PWP friend of mine, at his son's wedding,
overhead friends of the bride's family say, "Isn't it too bad -----'s father
is drunk."

> not using my speller.

Don't worry about it. You come through loud and clear, and give us all that
shot in the arm or kick in the pants that we need from time to time.

> but so much i will have to relearn to do. did once can do it again.

You did, you can, and you will.


You're welcome! I needed to remind myself of that yesterday. 'Writer' really
knocked me for a loop. I AM angry at him/she/IT, and I was angry with myself
for letting myself get so upset. The cruellest part for me was the subject
I liked your 2 x 4 solution, and I'm appreciative of those who took quick
action to rid us of this creature, and others who voiced their disgust with
what must be the lowest form of humanity.

> how about a pat on the back.

You got it!

> be proud of what you can do even if it takes you hrs to do some thing
>when none pd'er can do it in min. say hey i did it. put it up in lights yell
>it i did my self. show them we do not have to beg.

Wonderful advice, - and you worry about whether or not you are helping
others. :)

Take care of yourself and Vivian and let us know how her stress tests go.

{{{ HUGS }}} to you both. WEYQ2,2.

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