


Sorry if I appeared to be attacking your arguments when I raised the
question of when exactly is refered to by the phrase "when the
symptoms show". Actually I was not thinking of your ideas at all,
merely raising the matter in its own right.

You wrote:

>   Only those specialists who have actually dissected a brain,
applied dyes
> to the samples and observed the result, can talk meaningfully in
terms of
> absolute values. There is no way that I, as an Engineer can
communicate on
> that level, but I can try to express my ideas in the form of these
> and thereby create something which those less technically inclined
> understand and apply to get a better grasp of the subject under

My own background in meteorology, the army and management has also
failed to turn me into an M.D.(I'm still trying to work out why not),
though I can usually manage to follow a line of reasoning despite
this setback. BTW, one branch of my family has Engineers in
abundance, including a Professor and a Ph.D.  They are wonderful
people, great company and build beautiful bridges, but have shown no
more medical ability than any other non medics. Sadly it seems
competance, or even brilliance, in one speciality conferes no status
or special knowledge in an unrelated field. Which is a great pity
because it means that my rather extensive knowledge of W.B.Yeats and
T.S.Eliot will never be much good for more than tacking appropriate
quotes at the end of letters.  In this case, in honour of all the
questing minds on this list, I thought the following extract from
Eliot might be fitting:

        "We shall not cease from exploration
         And the end of all our exploring
         Will be to arrive where we started
         And know the place for the first time."


Dennis Greene 48/11
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