


>     By the bye, this all changes West of Perth.
>      Now, do you feel smarter?  I don't!

Never felt smarter in my life - which is a real cause for concern.

Following on your revelation concerning the situation to the west of
Perth, I applied to move there. Unfortunately my application was
refused on medical grounds.  A Dr.D. Olphin informs me that they have
more than enough PWP (porpoises with Parkinsons?) among their
existing mammal population without importing more.  I suspect I am
the victim of speciesism but am unsure as to what I can do about it.

But seriously folks.

> I have heard at seminars and read in reports that the
> symptoms of Parkinson's disease BECOME NOTICEABLE
> when the levels of dopamine in the striatum are decreased by
> 70% to 80%.

which is not the same as saying that we have lost 70% to 80% of the
substantia nigra, though it does imply it. It also answers my
original question in favour of the "when symptoms are first noticed
by the PWP" option.

I suppose what really worries me is that we as a community use
variations of the following statements as if they were

1.  "The symptoms of Parkinson's become apparent when the level of
dopamine in the brain drops by 80%."
2.  "The symptoms of Parkinson's become apparent when we lose 80% of
our substantia nigra"
3.  "By the time we are diagnosed we have lost 80% of our substantia
4.  "By the time we are diagnosed dopamine levels in the brain have
dropped by 80% ".

It may well be that in practical terms the difference is meaningless,
but given the amount still to be discovered about this disease it
would take a braver man than I am to state that catagorically.
Besides which it seems to me that if a fact is known it behoves those
of us who presume to speak out on the subject to at least get it

Based on your information I shall henceforth use version 1 in my own



Dennis Greene 48/11
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