

Hmmmm.  I've been taking fosamax for about 5 months now, after a bone
scan revealed some bone loss ALREADY (hey, I'm only 50 --- sheesh!) and
a great reluctance to try ERT because Mom had breast cancer twice.
Fosamax is a very inconvenient drug!  It has to be taken with a full
glass of water on an empty stomach, THEN you can't eat or drink anything
(including other meds) AND you can't lie down for at least 30 minutes
(package insert) to an hour (my doctor's advice).  YUCK.  So one of
these days I'm gonna look into an alternative my sis told me about.  She
works at Tufts U, where the research was done; it's reported in the book
"Strong Women Stay Young" by Miriam Nelson and Sarah Wernick, ISBN
0553103474, and says that a specific but gentle weight-training program
works as well as meds.  Golly, Janet, you've inspired me -- I'll see if
I can pick up that book TODAY!