

 not read mail yet. we had in our paper all about the good childern. up ra.
well last summer and i do not know who sent me $100.00 i was hurt after
talkin to vivian and my minester. and mememer famly on list said to use iot
as they wanted to return a good deed so i did what it was sent for. but is
still on my mind. so famly said to do what my heart wanted. so i went to the
elks which i am member for 25 yrs. gave them $100.00 for school childern
well one from the elks is 11yrs old he has made a web page for his school
and for senior citrons and he goes out and helps then on how to use a
your money went for a great thing not from me but you. i now fell better.
and read all the great thing young people do. not all bad first time any
thing has been said about the good pic to. so the person i thank you and
please stay in the back ground ok. i think we both have a good felling in
our hearts. let here it for them I.Y.Q. DON&VIVIAN