


When I was diagnosed, the neuro simply said," You have PD.  Here's a
perscription . I'll see you again next month.'  He was halfway out the door,
before I yelled,"wait a minute.  What is this medicine?"  With a look of
impatience, he came back in the room & said, "It's Parlodel, the latest drug
for PD.  Take it according to my directions." And he was out of there.
Obviously, that was the last time I went to that neuro.

Now, about your plan.  I think your idea of compiling a packet of information
is a very good one but, thinking back to the way I felt when I left the
neuro's office, I would have been even more devastated to have been given info
about pallidotomies.  I think a newly diagnosed patient needs to have an
explanation of what PD is, main symptoms, encouraging news of current
research, and information on support groups, PD organizations, exercise
classes and that's all.  I think, above all, that newbies need to hear that
there is research going on with encouraging results and there's a good
possibility of a cure in the future.  It's important to keep hope alive.

Good luck on your project.  It's wonderful that you're out there educating
people about PD.

59, DX 2 yrs.
Eldepryl, Mirapex