

I've been interested in the responses, partly because our experience was
different...Peter, who has considerable medical background/knowledge
actually diagnosed himself, and asked his internist to confirm it, which he
did.  So I guess the initial shock came earlier, in a different setting and
to someone who already had some idea what PD was. (That wasn't the case
with me, I hasten to add!)  One of the men in our support group put
together an info packet which we offer to local docs, to be given to new
folks they see, but I'm not sure how much it is used. It's simple, but
includes an invitation to the group along with basic info. Not exactly a
"brochure", but I could lay hands on one if folks are really interested,
and describe the contents.

Barbara wrote:
>Does anyone have a copy of any similar brochure they received?   I imagine
>that NPF, APDA et al has some fact sheet along these lines but I would want to
>address it emotionally right to the newbie and include local info.
>Appreciate any input or feedback.

  Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 79/8
  Oxford, OH
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