

Dear List-family.... (looooong message with a question at the end)

I was born a "night person."  Night time has always been the time when
I've had my most creative ideas, written my best, thought my best, felt
my best, and LIKED the best.

When I worked in the "9-to-5 world," I adapted to those hours with good
grace, rather than fighting it, because I believed I'd be happier if I
accepted the fact that my employers expected me to be not only AT
my desk by the ungodly hour of 8 a.m., but to actually be PRODUCTIVE at
that hour!  That meant I went to bed no later then midnite on most nites
and got up at (GASP) 6 a.m.

Once I began working in the online industry, which uses the 24 hour clock
since online entities are up and running 24 hours a day 7 days a week,
like a duck takes to water, I immediately - without any conscious thought
or premeditation, changed back into a "night person," going to bed about
4 a.m. and arising about 10 a.m.  THAT felt juuuuust right to me!! <smile>

Which brings me to today.   For the past 8 weeks or so, I've had what was
eventually diagnosed as a urinary track infection (after a few mis-diagnosis)
<sigh>.  During this 8 week period I was up SO much during the middle of
 the night that eventually I just stayed up and awake till exhaustion forced
me to nap each day.  (Errrrrr... actually I've been pretty much a zombie for
the past 8 weeks because I didn't' sleep more than a coupla hours a nite!)

Last week I was FINALLY correctly diagnosed, provided with an antibiotic,
am feeling much better.... but now find myself with a skewed internal clock.
It seems I'm BACK on a typical "9-to-5er's" sleep schedule!  I can't believe
it, but it's true!  I find myself ready to go to bed about 11:30 p.m. and am
waking up about 6 to 7 a.m. (YIKES!!!)

Before this change in my internal clock, I began taking my daily meds
about 10:30 a.m.  with one other dose of meds during the average day,
and  possibly one additional dose if I was out with people later in the
evening and wanted to still be able to move comfortably.

NOW I seem to need that initial start-dose each day about 8 to 8:30 a.m.
and have had to add in another dose of meds each day to maintain myself
at the level I was at prior to my "internal clock change."

During this 8 week time span I've noticed I'm sweating a LOT more and that
my body just can't seem to adjust to and regulate itself to temperature
changes at all..  I'm too hot, too cold, and everywhere in between!
AAAAAARGH!!!!  This is driving me NUTZ!

QUESTION:  Have any of you - dear List-family - had this problem (Ivan, I
think you've commented ya have it, right?) and if so, WHAT, if anything, have
you been able to do to regulate your body temp?   Ditto with the heavy

I'm wondering if I force myself to go back to my "natural internal clock"
(sleep at 4 a.m. and awakening about 10 a.m.) rather than the clock my body
seems to have adapted to these past few weeks, would there be a return as well
of body-temp-regulation and would the sweating decline to the "normal range?"

OR should I just say "To hell with it all," and just go about my business all
sweaty, wilted, and frizzy-haired-from-the-moisture 'cause nothing's gonna
help this problem now that it's started?

Thanks m'friends.  I'm not sure there really ARE "answers" to these questions
considering how individualistic PD is with each of us, but it IS comforting to
 post about it and to know YOU all know how frustrating this darn disease is
to deal with.

Barb Mallut (sweaty & frizzy-haired, but still gorgeous, of course!) <giggle>
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