

The range of blood pressure can be quite scary. My husband 81/9 has had it go
from 200 to under 100 in a short time.  First of all sinemet does affect the
bp also a meal will lower the bp. It takes an hour before it comes back,
however, when it goes to 75/40 that is not good and immediate action needs to
be taken .  What I do is get him on the floor or bed with his feet elevated
and give him some chicken boulion (sp?) or for a quicker return a small bit of
straight salt followed by water.  The low bps are dangerous because the blood
is not getting to the brain.  I can watch him eat a meal, be fine and before
my eyes watch the change in him as the bp goes down There are some medications
available, but do have some side affects.  Hope this helps.  I find that many
drs. are not aware of the wide swings in a short time that can occur.
[log in to unmask]   Los Angeles, CA