

 as cammila said i must have a good nero. every time i see him we have a
very good talk. he gets his med books out to see if any one would conflck we
i am now on. and ask what troubles i am haveing. as i walk to his office
which is down long hall he has his door open to see how i walk. which he
always says where your cart. i said you know me i will walk with old brass.
i asked for books he said don you would missunder stand a lot said just ask
him. i got his private home phone # cell phone so i do not worry. but i
worry him as he always says don give me a break. he says i am one of his
best painet.but give him worest trouble. has had me to work with one on one
with some. oh my blind cancer friend is has hours or days now vivian and
other friend went to his home to help his wife make funeral plans. it was
hard for her. only think she asked was for me not to come as i may not be
able to handel it. so i will honer her request. ok. oh to i got my new
scanner,copyer,printer hooked up. it is a ALPS  MD4000  good one? color. as
useral my spelling and usa words are bad. hope i make some sense

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                          73/26 lima,oh

                       I.Y.Q. DON AND VIVIAN
                       LOVE OF MY LIFE -52

                        BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                        LOVE AND HOPE